How can schools manage homework using a school management system?
The Covid-19 has impacted the education sector badly. All the schools, staff, teachers, and students have been taught how much is necessary to digitalize the education system. With the digitization of all the educational institutes, it is really no longer a surprise that even the planning and the management also gets digitized with the different technologies like the school management system and the school homework apps. Such other apps are also built within school ERP software that many of the schools have already implemented. The school software or the many other school’s ERP software programs is a set of tools that automate and assist the different stakeholders to manage the various processes and tasks.
This really works to improve the work efficiency of everyone at the school, including the teachers, administrators, or the students. Apart from the school online and the offline school software, you can use the dedicated school management system that has as many tools as the desktop software to enable the remote management of the different school tasks. The integrated apps include the different tasks that are present in the software.
In this blog, we will be discussing the different homework mobile apps for the students, staff, and teachers of your school.
What is meant by a school homework app for students?
The school homework app with the school management system is really helpful for the students to manage their homework and the different resources from a single platform. Managing the homework and the assignments is really a tough task for the students, especially if you get the study resources from the different teachers on the different platforms. The homework app with the school software can be a single platform where the teachers can assign the homework to the many students regardless of the subjects. Using a school management system app that allows the students to plan their homework more efficiently really results in better learning and the understanding of each subject and the topic.
With that said, let’s check out the different features of the school management system homework apps for the different students.
Managing and Assigning the Homework
This software with mobile apps allows the teachers to assign the homework to the different class students. The students will get a notification of the assigned homework in their application.
Regular & Vocational Homework
Most schools give large no.’s of assignments to the students to complete during their summer and winter vacations. This homework planner app allows the teachers to upload and assign the homework to the students. This app is also connected with the school timetable management module
Question Bank
The questions that are assigned by the teachers for the regular or vocational homework are stored as a digital syllabus for the different students to revisit when they need to. This bank is also used by the many teachers to draft the question papers for the examinations, to type them again.
Online Exams
The homework app with the school management system offers an automated assessment of objective homework assignments. This means the teachers feed the answers to the questions and the assigned homework. So the software is really easy and accessible to assess every student-submitted homework. This will also send the report to the students, teachers, and parents. By using this software, the teachers really don’t need to manually check every student’s objective homework like MCQ’s, fill in the blanks and true or false, etc.
Homework Report
Once the students submit the homework to the teachers, the teachers easily share the marks sheet to every student from a mobile app with the push notification. The notifications can be easily viewed using the parent’s and the students’ school management system login. Using the app, Students will be able to know how they understood each topic and worked on the weak points.
Homework management is the necessary task of the students to manage their students efficiently with the available resources. The eSchool software offers a built-in homework app to the students that offer you all the features that are listed above. The use of a school management system, also allows the students to manage their homework and schoolwork remotely using smartphones. So we definitely recommend that your school should definitely use a school management system.